Denominations forbidding speaking in tongues disobey Christ’s commands and confirm they are not of God but inherently rebellious.

Jesus, in His teachings, provided clear instructions for His followers, emphasizing the importance of spiritual gifts, including the practice of speaking in tongues. In Mark 16:17, He stated, “And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues.” Read more…

Global false religions and Christian cults that deny Jesus Christ as their Savior mislead, deceive, and divert people from the narrow and true path to salvation.

In the book of Matthew, Jesus Christ warns us about the roads that lead to both life and destruction. He says, “Enter through the narrow gate” in Matthew 7:13–14. Many people enter through the vast, convenient gate that leads to destruction. It is difficult because the gate to life is Read more…